Creating A Polymer Clay Box Tutorial

[, Music, ] hi and welcome to poly originals with funerals with such day, I thought would have a bit of fun and we'd, make ourselves little hexagons box completely made out of polymer clay. So this is all we're going to do, which is nice, simple, box flame inside and with a nice pattern on the outside, and we're going to split this down into three parts in the video first part is making a structure to make the box around and I'll Come on to that in a moment or two second bit we'll just been making the plain box and the third bit we'll be doing this nice kaleidoscope came to put around the outside. Now, both these boxes have the same colors in the game. This was the prototype. I did and I posted it online and several people actually said. Can I keep you exactly the same color, so I have done which isn't normal for me. Normally I sort of mix the colors about, but I have used exactly the same colors and the cane is very similar, but I've already entered it differently to get this one and to get that one and this one rather than being played on the inside I've just Used scrap Clarion's of canes and just created a different look. Just give you some background behind this couple of months ago I posted online a photo of the hexagon box, and someone said, oh, how do you do that? Because I said it was made out of polymer clay, and the answer was that I had used a form and it was this form now. I could not remember exactly where I got this wrong. I think it was from one of the big craft shows where he won. The big cake shows to be honest, but I thought a lot of people aren't going to have a form like this, so there must be a way around making a box without having a form so tell about the rest of you buy kits of my best ideas When I'm still trying to get to see them at night - and I suddenly thought well actually hexagons quite easy, because I like hexagons - it's made up of six equilateral triangles, so we're going to make our own form and with this form we can then make as many Of these boxes, as we like, so let's start by taking you through the equipment you need for today's project so to make a hexagon form, we don't actually need very much in the way of equipment. I'Ve got a piece of a4 card here, I'm using white. Now this is quite thick ish card, it's actually 300 GSM, so the sort of card you would use if you're making handmade cards card. That would form the base of the card itself. Nice stiff card, but still it didn't, have to be usable. We need a ruler, a pencil pair of scissors, some four sticky tape or sellotape, as it's called in the UK and six plated lips. And lastly, we just need a sheet of a4 paper, just ordinary, so a copier type paper and that's what we need to make our hexagon. So the letter you need to decide is what sighs I mean, what your work is going to be and by size are we about to the height of it and the width of each of your faces of the excellent? So I'm going to keep mine very much in their work, shape and size of this bear in mind. Whatever size you decide on your finished piece is going to be slightly bigger because the clay is going to go around the outside and just make us a size. The shape that's easy to work with this happens to be 4 centimetres that way and that way, if you're working in inches that's about one and a half inches. So that's the size I'm going to work on today. So, on my sheet of a4 card, I have measured out six strips, but each of these is 4 centimeters that weight and 4 centimeters that way and 2/3 of those, because with each piece we are there to make a little triangle like that. So, whichever size you want, you decide to measure out so 60 and one and a half inches that'll be four and a half inches by one and a half and centimeters it's 12 centimeters by four centimeters, and you will also need a long strip. On the other end of your card again the same height or width here as you're going for all of these again. For me, this is 4 centimeters, so cut out all six of your pieces, one two three four: five: six and cut out your long strip. So with these, I have already done this, where you have your lover: just take a pair of scissors or craft knife and just score down the middle line, and then you can fold up whichever way you want to go and then with a little bit of tape. Simply tape those two ends closed and do that with all six pieces here, the ones I've done earlier, make sure press down, they're, nice and flat on the edges and then, when you put them together, we have formed ourselves an X economy. So that's the base of where we're going, but what we need to do is we need to have an outer edge, because we need to be able to stick these in and out as we go in order to be able to get this card in and out Of our piece as we're making it, so if you take your paper clips carefully paper clip your pieces so that they make a nice neat. Exmouth, Applause, ], [, Music ]. It should nice to have them hold in place that when we do the next outside layer of card, take your piece of card that you had to go on the outside now, in theory, you do think what we could do, the same markdown for centimeters for centimeters For centimeters and then score and put round, but of course, we've put this together, so we've got thickness of card here in here, so this piece is actually going to be slightly bigger and what I would recommend is starting the card on a corner of your hexagon With a pencil mark down where the next score lines needs to be, then you can carefully scroll that one end it and start working your way around. So that's the first one mark the next one and repeat so there to speed up now. That'S effect we are going to do all the way around so that this card is going to fit exactly around yours, excellent pieces, Music ] when you get to the last one again markdown, where that's going to join up this time, I'm going to do it With a pencil drop off the end check, still nice check still that it Padma matches absolutely perfectly. You should hopefully have mashed it right, nice and tightly onto the end, and I've got a nice big piece of sellotape they're, all sticky tape. I can take them all out fold it over and check that your corners, I'm nicely folded down on your piece I'll give it a test to take the paper clips out. They won't be needed anymore and start getting your little triangles in the side. Your card piece, the last one you would normally have to squash in slightly, but it should fit in, and that gives you a really nice sturdy base that we can use for making our boxes with, and this is one I've made previously and I've been using and I'Ve now made four foxes using the same template, so you can use it again and again and again, because we've got this method to use this card. The next thing we need to do is we are going to take our sheet of a4 paper and we are going to cut ourselves a strip just wider than the box, not a lot, probably if on a four centimeter piece, probably four and a half centimeters wide And as usual, we're going to take this and we want to fold it around at this time. You can do this. Do the first fold that it's overlapping it at a place slightly, I'm just fine, where the fold should be with your fingers: [, Music, ], [, Applause, ], okay, so we're overlaps, just chop a little excess off and with another piece of tape, just tape this around The outside, to make it nice and tight around your hexagon, so there we go so you've got your six little triangles on the inside. You'Ve got your card sleeve around the outside. Give you more strength and you've got a simple paper collar around the outside of that as well, and it's the collar that will be right next to the play, and then we can just take this out. So there won't be any problem with the clay sticking to the card and you can reuse this again and again again and if you are using something like this, a metal one, I would again suggest putting a paper collar all the way around this again slightly higher Than the piece you're working on just to make the clay easier to remove and pull off any metal form when you're using it Music ]. Having finished our form here that we get to make our box round the other equipment, we need to do when working with the clay is a tile. We'Re going to use this to put our piece on and obviously to bake on as well some liquid clay or PVA glue, and this is just liquid clay that I have to count it into little pot. Just for ease of use for myself a tissue blade or a clay blade. However, you want to call it a craft knife, a small roller, to be able to roll our piece smooth, a knitting needle some description. This is a four millimeter knitting needle just with a stop ended, and it's quite a short one. I just use it for rolling over seams. These sort of tools are quite handy. These are the plane, benders paint shapers I'll, put the links to those at the bottom. In the details of the video here and got those you don't need them, but they are handy if you happen to have them I'm going to constantly when I make my pieces tent the whole piece and foils and so forth to hand his boots, you will need A ruler, a metal one is very handy because we're going to use it and cut along the size of it say you need something to be able to use and cut alongside, and you want to use some form of measuring sheet. Now, I'm actually going to use both this board, which happens to be in centimeters, and this measuring sheet, which happens to be in inches. This one is freely downloadable from WWF printable paper, doctor net and I'll put a link to where this board came from on the details below the video as well a piece of a wall of something it doesn't even need to be this just something flat. I'M going to use this to push up against the sides of our hexagons to make sure it's nice and that and other tools. You will obviously need a pasta machine, some wet wipes. We kind of need a lot of wet wipes and just some tissues so that when you've used you at once, you can dry off your equipment. So the next thing to do is we're going to make the actual base of our box and to do this, we're going to need about three packs of clay, six ounces and about 170 grams of clay. Any colors will do you can use scrap plate for today. I'Ve taken one and a half packs of the Windsor blue and one and a half packs worth of scrap clay mixed, almost wrapped clay together to make a grey sort of color and then mixed in the blue. So what I've ended up with is a nice sort of dusky, dark, blue color and I'll just put this through my pasta machine on a splitter to again one more time and I've put it to. This is the whole three packs or 6 ounces of clay, and I've put it through on my thickest setting of the pasta machine and on my pasta, machine naught is the thickest and nine is my finished, so I put it through one more time just to get Myself, a nice long thick sheet now, if you're working in inches - and you can use one of these measuring sheets - and you want to cut a strip - that's an inch and a half wide and really the whole length of this. Because we know from the fact that we covered this with a sheet of a4 paper, that a whole length of an a4 sheet of paper is just about meant to be the right amount to go around it. But of course, I'm doing one in centimeters, I'm just going to take my ruler and chop off either end nice and neat so without metal ruler and then just the the corner edge of men tissue blade, drop off. Leave it lying flat to go to this end. Just check with a sheet of a4 paper whether this is going to be long enough. So I need to go right to the end. So I'll go to the end of my board, which is actually about here and then I can take my ruler and using the grid lines on this board or if your usual s, that use the grid lines on this. Just chop yourself off the piece, nice and neatly the right size, so one two three four centimeters the rest were obviously go to use for the bottom and top in a moment or two we're just doing the side to start with. So we now have a nice strip of clay that should hopefully fit around our box. Just put it round one, that's just to check the Torgo which it does so. What we now need to do is make sure on. Our paper is nicely at the bottom of our pieces and I'm going to start just on one corner, so I got ta fold over a little bit of the corner and I'll come back to that afterwards and what I'm doing is I'm pressing it down. As I go making sure it's lying nice and flat bunch of the tile as I get to a corner, so I'm gon na press down work your way down round pressing it as you go, keeping it nice and tight in right. That'S the last one, and then when will you get the overlap you want to do a nice shout fur to join so I'm going to take my first viateur I've joined and I'm gon na cut down at an angle going straight down along that corner so that When this one fits in alone, it'll fit nicely around, so I now know I can come chop down. I like that to keep the angle nice, I think, goes down the corner. It'S going to take my knitting needle I'll, give it a bit of a roll just to make sure those two seams or the two parts of the seam are joint and at this stage I'll just pick it up put it down onto the tile that I'm going To bake it on and now I'll just spend a bit of time making sure those sides are nice and flat in that each of the corners has got a nice angle on it. I will also take little piece of hardboard and just press up to really make sure those sides are nice and straight, and this helps both with the angles at the corner and with the sides being strange during the whole way around and have it make sure have A look make sure that it's nicely set flat down on the tile all the way around. We want a really nice flat bottom. You shouldn't have had to touch the top too much, so the top should be nice and even too, but when you're happy you've got all those sides are straight. You'Ve got a nice little corner round all your sides and simply bake it in the oven. According to the manufacturer's instructions for the brand of clay, you are using okay, when your piece is finished baking. What we need to do is we need to move all these bits slightly, so they may move quite easily, but likelihood is that the paper will be stuck in some respects to the clay. So what we need to do, we need to put a bottom on this and we need to move all this paper just slightly out of the way so that, when we press this down into the bottom play, the paper doesn't get stuck so easy way to do. This is to pull out all your triangles, then pull out the card and, as you fall buckle it slightly on this side and then just make sure the paper lifts away if it does just pull it up, so that it's not at the bottom of your piece And ideally worried about that. Probably that's 1/4 an inch half a centimeter high. Then we can put the card back in and make sure it's ER and I should pull it up from the bottom and then you can start slotting in your triangles once their own. In just pull them up the same, I just have a look at the bottom. So that's what you need to have a nice bit of clear clay so that when we press this down it, our bottom layer is not going to stick. But you still got all the police's in place, so they're still supporting these sidewalls when it makes so make sure your other tile is nice and clean I've put through the remaining part of the clay or part of it again through this thickest setting on my pasta, Machines are setting up and Ord online and I'm just going to lie that nice and flat on the tile make sure there's no air trapped underneath whatsoever, then take some liquid clay or PVA glue a little bit on your finger, not too much and just put a Bit all the way around the bottom edge of your hexagon and the sidewalls, so you don't want enough to make it slippy just enough to make it slightly tacky or sticky, and this will just help. This sit in really nicely to the bottom clay and place it squarely on your tile, and what we're going to do is we're just going to press down not much, but just a little bit on these sidewalls work. Your way around one at a time just that it's nicely I'm holding and then either with tissue blade or with a craft knife a craft knife is probably slightly easier because it's not you'll find that some of your size, like mine, aren't completely straight. So what I'm going to do is starting from an outside edge and then keeping my blade, nice and flat and straight up to the side of the hexagon just work. Your way around to turning the tile as you go. [, Music, ] and then have a look back, so I can see here, for instance, it's not quite neat here. It'S a couple of places so take your time have a look around make sure it's completely innate all the way down the size, [, Music. ]. Aren'T you happy, as we did before, and take a piece of hardboard or something like that and just press it in make sure you've got a nice flat bits at the bottom, from the edge of your blade down whatever you want just to make sure it's nice And smooth, and even when it goes in the oven, to bake okay, so there it is ready to bake, leave it in sit you on the tile. So it's nicely pressed down and baked again as before. I will tent the whole thing in foil or bake yours. According to the manufacturer's instructions for the brand of clay, you are using so once your piece has finished baking and is nice and cool, remove it from the time and make sure your tile is nice and clean? And now you can take all these bits out of your box base, because that is now finished with and our box base is finished so, with a nice clean, dry I'll, get the rest of your polymer clay and put it back through again that same settings of Your pasta, machine and again lay it flat on your nice clean tile, take your box and turn it to upside down. Now, with a little something to give you a marker - and this is where I use something like the knitting needle we're just going to let flat and on one side of the box - and that gives me something to press down along so that I know when I'm Chopping, this clay off I'm shopping at the same size on each side of the box. You just repeat and go around all six sides of the box with a knitting needle cutting off that. Okay, the next here introducers good press just lightly down. So I'm going to give myself an impression in the bottom of the lids that when I click up I can see where that's going to sit now, you can see there any impression, that's marked in for that to one side just for a second get their own. Only piece of your a4 paper put your box or down and just mark yourself a template, the size of your box on the piece of paper, because what we get to do is we're going to make something that can to fit inside the box lid. So I now know that this needs to be about that much smaller. I love this piece we'll sit inside this marked area and be a little raised area so that when the lid sits on the box that we'll just hold it in place so cut down this. On the inside line, I need a piece of clay. You'Ve got leftovers the same thickness as we've been working on the whole way through cut round your template and now, with a little bit of liquid clay or PVA glue, just a smidge just enough to make it slightly tacky on that middle bit. I'M just going to put a little bit of light just on the middle of it. This will allow me to move that top bit around a bit as well, so now take this and place it as centrally, as you can looking all the time at that line. You'Ve got on the inside of your box if it's too big, pull it back slightly and make sure it's always in line are always inside that line. You'Ve got from the lid of the from the bottom of the box. Just go around those corners of a slightly cuz. The corners are my box around digits, and I'm just going to put this over the top just to see that it fits which it does that's fine. So now that's all done. The other thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to very gently round all of these corners because corners on my box around some of the corners fill it to be around as well, so using the plant side of the tissue blade and, last but not Least, where I've made a slight groove with the tissue plate, I'm just going to with my knitting needle just smooth that all off so that when it bakes it's all nice and the underneath of the lid is as pristine as I can get it. So as before. Once you finish, that 10 to the whole piece in foil and bake, according to the manufacturer's instructions for the brand of clay, you are using. So what's your pieces since baking, remove it from the tile and then just check. But if it's on your box, hopefully it should fit no matter which way around you put it. So that's your box are finished ready so now I'll start decorating it so for today's session, these are the colors of clay. We'Re going to be using we're actually using quite a lot of clay here. There'S four whole packs, in effect, so two ounces of these and then one else of these four colors. So that's 56 grams of these 28 grams of those and today I'm using a fimo soft, but all brands are polymer. Clay will work well for this technique and I am using white, lemon, yellow emerald, green raspberry, Pacific blue and then the Windsor bloob. Although, although I've used the winds blue here, I have so much of this leftover blue from when I made up my box, but that is effectively the same as blocks worth so I'm going to use this color rather than this one. In what I'm doing now, I'd recommend you splitting them up into these sort of sizes and conditioning them in those particular sizes. For anyone who doesn't understand what I mean about conditioning polymer clay, I do have a free youtube video showing you how to do that with some tips and techniques and I'll put a link in the description of the video below. So you can have a look at that and the reason we're doing it this way is because this is going to be used to wrap around our canes. These are going to be used as extra bits to put inside our canes, and all these little bits are going to be used to make up skinner blends. So we're going to do, for instance, that that is a skinner blend. That is a skinner blend. Then that is inland, so that's what I'm going to do. First, having conditioned of the clay I'm going to make up the Skinner blends for all of those is by having sort of very rough, and you can see they are very rough. Oblong shapes sungan chopped the two end ones across the middle diagonally turn them around, put the two pieces on top of each other, and then this one I'm going to chop down the middle so that we've got two layers of everything. This one then sits inside that one that one goes that way up, so that what we end up with is a rough oblong, where I've got all of one color on one side, and it goes more and more and more mixed and she ends up with all The other color on the other side and with these ends just sort of push them in, don't have follow, but you just make it slightly neater. If you want to know these, I put these through on setting three of the pasta machine where my pasta, machine naught is thick and nine is thin, and because we've now got two layers of each of those colors. I will put to the pasta machine up to setting number. Do I go to fold these over, so they don't fall apart. First time I put in the through the pasta machine and I'm gon na put it through fold first and keep repeating that two fold bottom to top. I put you through fold. First, until I get a nice smooth blend, anyone not sure how to do a skinner blend. I do have a tutorial youtube tutorial on that and in that house, to give you tips and techniques for how to keep it. Nice and oblong shaped as you'll see. My piece will be when we finished so I'll. Do this one first and bring you back when that's done so there we go. That'S our first one done sigh put that on to one side: [: Music, ], okay, there's our four blends. So we'll start just working with one and we'll get all four into a certain state before we start making more patterns with them. So I'll start with this one to begin with, I don't I'm going to do now. Is I'm going to chop it into and lay one half on the other? The reason I'm doing this is because I don't want to work in height of more than about one and a half inches, so three and a half centimeters something like that. So I'm going to put this back through the pasta machine on the same setting. I was using so setting number two I'll put through the darker end, first to make sure that if it picks up any mess, it's not going to go onto the lighter end, and I put this end through I'll just pinch. Those two ends together slightly and I'll hold onto these two ends to make sure they don't separate into a. Why don't one about what happens at this end? Just concentrate on holding on these two ends, so we've got a nice longer strip. I'M now going to put this through and what I want is a very nice long, thin at the strip of clay. So it's always going to go through the past machine and that way down again those of you who watched videos before you know what's coming, but here we go. If you know that your pasta machine is a good one, it goes straight down to your thinnest useable. Setting if, however, you know your pasta machine, chews up your clay work down, one setting at a time going, thinner and thinner until you get your lowest thinnest setting or your thinnest usable setting. So I'm going to put this straight through a sitting number nine on line, which is my lowest setting and I'm going to put it through the pink line first, which is the darker end. I'M not gon na worry what happens this end, but I'm gon na keep hold of and keep controlling this end and the other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to turn the pasta machine handle just a couple of times once I put it down on The lowest setting just to make sure that any clay stuck on the underneath doesn't go onto the end of my clay. So here we have a nice long, thin strip of clay. Now this first one I'm going to concertina backwards and forwards. So I end up with a square of clay and I'm constituting it probably about just over a centimeter so just to have a quarter an inch we're about a third of an English in backwards and forwards. Just folding it as a go. Try to make sure I don't have any air trapped in the folds not wearing too much fat any bits at the side that are straggly, because I'm about to change it in a second that'll, be fine! Well, you got to the end. You'Ll find it quite often go through bits few, if so, just straighten it up flatten the two ends off, so you've got a usable piece to work with and you'll end up with a sort of a square or oblong shape the ends. Always that messy don't worry about it, but in between you'll have a nice graduation from the pink all the way through to the yellow, and I'm then going to do exactly the same with this one Music ]. It will move on to our pink and blue same again, choppin, to put back through the past machine setting number two blue into fur. Then back through my thinnest usable setting, which is setting number nine again in blue and first having turned the handle a couple of times, should we go to a nice long strip of clay, but this time we're going to roll the clay. Now, I'm choosing to roll from the pink edge you can use whichever end you like, and just roll up its that make sure not to trap any air in the roll. As you go and don't forget, you can change the size of this roll to pick up any bits or to change it. If you need to change it, cuz the size of your strip of clay has changed and it slightly smoother and then slightly wider. Okay. So there's our roll and then finally gon na do the same with the green one, Music ]. With this one, we did effectively the lighter color on the inside and rolled to the darker color. This one we're going to do the darker color on the inside and roll to the lighter color. So there are our four skinny blends done to qotsa tears into squares, a two rolled into plugs of flame, and now we can have some fun and change them and make some pretty patterns out of them. So I'll start with this one. So this is where they've got the pink on the inside and the blue on the outside, and I've put some of my dark blue through a medium setting on my past machine is a setting number five, and I've got just enough that when I put that down Here we can cut a sheet to go completely around the outside of our own, so I'm going to use my tissue blade, cut down and flick off top and bottom each nut one end and then wrap round to give just one roll around. If I press down there, I can see where it overlaps give myself a place to cut off, but I already get give it a bit of a roll just to neaten it down, and now I want to cut through this into nice even quarters. If I can so looking over the top, if you need to just seesaw your blaze as it goes down, if it gives you more control, you can actually look either side to see where it's going and same the other way. If, at any time you find you cut the corner, your quarters really badly, then don't be scaled up. Just putting the whole thing back together place it all back together, give it another roll push it back together and then have another try at cutting, because that works very well as well. What we going to do for now. We actually going to put these together so that one sits upside down over the next one. Okay, so, whichever way you hold it, you've got one piece of the color showing up in two bits of the dark I put it down on. One of the sides doesn't matter which and we're gon na force this down into a triangular shape, so we'll have a bit of the black at the top by forcing energy triangle triangular shape. All I'm doing is pressing on the two bits down the side and then with my fingers, pinching the top into a point and I'll try to make sure it's nice and even along the width. I'Ve been to an upside down press the ends sharpen and I'm going to be looking for a piece I'm going to make my cane about sort of a white canes about one and a half inches in length. So I can pick this up so I'll put two bits together, so this, roughly speaking just under three inches. So there we go all my measuring sheet drop down the middle and put the two patterns together, so I'm going to put them together that way, so you got like the zigzag color running through put them together like that, and then I'm just going to force that It'S more of a rounded to diamond shape, just by pressing in on the sides, and there we go check on that, that height of its doesn't pull it slightly longer, because I want it to be about an inch and a half. I'M going to make all my canes the same height and that's cane number, one dunder cane number, two we're going to take our second roll and again I'm going to cover it in a layer of the darker blue clay. Same thing against it's gone through a setting number five on my pasta machine, I'm using the blade cut top and bottom pick it up and put one layer round exactly the same again, I'm going to chop down it's a nice even quarters! If I can it's the same thing see soaring backwards and forwards, but this time I'm gon na put one half on one side and only cut down on one side, but that one like that. I put these two in front of it. What get left with a nice little triangular groove there so take some of your excess pinky clay that we've already conditioned and I'm going to create a triangular shape that will fit inside there. So I make sure it's the same. The whole length down so I'm just pulling it slightly chop off the excess. I thought you've got quite a large expanse of pink there. I'M going to take my knitting needle and I'm going to create a groove down the middle of the pink. You see they're, just major groove, take some of your white rolled, a very thin sausage. Don'T try keep even whenever we're doing a kaleidoscope. We try and keep it even from one one ends down to the other and then we'll just put that down. If you find it slightly ghost inertia point over it, you can always pull it or push it slightly. Wider we've already more or less got to try and get a shape, which I suppose, if you'll reinforce, that by pressing down on the bottom and again creating a pinch at the top and what I'm going to do. And we did before. I need to make it getting on towards three inches in length as 1/2 centimeters drops down. Of course, I could put it together like that and create a nice cane, but for this is what we're doing at the moment, I'm just going to put it together like that, but you see here the both sides and then it's going to change this, because I Want this, it should be the bottom point when you do your kaleidoscope, it's nice not to have some thick amounts of a single color down the side of your end cane. We put everything together so because of that, I'm just going to change this slightly. So I'm going to pull down and actually push it down in the other direction and because I already had it in a triangle and I've now pushed that bit back, that's creating more curves in our piece. It sort I'm going to end up with and I'll cut off one end in a minute just to show you so chop the end off we've got that sort of effect. That'S one end. I really need to chop the other end off, but just so I can see what we're doing there and then I'm just going to shorten that by just simply pressing it smaller with my fingers to make it the same height with our first piece. So that's how first two pieces done for our next piece. I'M going to take this one and I've also taken the remainder of the blue that we had and I've put this through on a thick medium setting. So setting number three on my pasta machine and I'm going to take your piece that is just going to cover two sides of this square. Okay, so find one corner and then wrap round. The next chopped down only covered to two parts of it and in one of the sites, I'm going to choose this one where the colors are joint. Take your knitting needle press, a groove into one side. I take a little bit of your excess blue they've. Just chopped off and put that in there, so you've got a piece like that. We'Re now going to make this bit into a point of a triangle and, as you know, what we're pressing down things down into triangles we're simply going to flatten the piece down at the bottom. So put the bit that you want to go flat on the bottom and then simply press the other two bits down with your fingers and what you end up with is a triangle, and now we've got that point on the bottom sort of edge to as before. I'M just going to pull that slightly longer now, while it gets up towards three inches, seven and 1/2 centimeters making sure, as always that this end is the same. Width is flattened, drop down roughly through the middle and put your two bits together and I got to cut them together so that the blue line is together in the middle and the excess of the clay is on the outside press. It down again and then going to do the same again so make it longer now we're going to double up the pattern pressing again down the sides, a little anger every so often press on the ends to make sure that they're, nice and flat to you no Distortion when it's getting up to about the right length, simply chopping half and again simply put those two bits together and as we did before it's this bit, we want on the outside of the kaleidoscope and all this bit so press down so that bits flat and There'S our cane number three, so it's roughly the right height for the another two and there's three of the games. Let'S work on the last one for this last one choose a side: I'm actually going to choose the side where the colors are joining. So you got that nice blend and with your roller genus pressed down. Keep yourself a nice groove in the middle. Take another color, and this moment I'm going to choose, yellow I'm going to make this roll slightly smaller than I need to fill the groove, because I'm then going to roll down into to try and make it fill out. How one of that groove so now got a flat piece in try to make sure it's the same hole where a look give yourself another little groove, let's go off center, so we go up to yours that end take another color! So that's going to be developing! It'S going to take a small bit, make a size to fit in that groove and there we have a square cane. I was going to make that longer make sure the ends are nice and flat, and then I'm going to chop that into the rest. But are you ready measuring sheets that the middle it's down that and then we had to put it together but offset it so we're going to create a triangle space there and a triangular space there and then we're going to fill those with different colors? Is there we got a bit of pink going on here, so I'll do a song with a pink here, so just taking again a bit of that excess, pink and just forcing it down into a triangular shape. There'S a lot to be too long because I've got too long an area there, but you want to make sure that whatever shape you add in is nice and even so that one one now end of the cane is going to be the same as the other. So we'll just pop him in there and then I'm going to pull my fingers slightly wider till he starts to fit in that gap, drop off any excess. That'S one side done and then this side it's got a little bit left. So I think this time I'll put a little white in [, Music ] and the last thing I'm going to do with these. If I must take a little bit at the dark color and in both of these I'm just going to create another little channel. So he's a bit short to the moments: let's change! Yes, we've got through a diamond t-square going on at mode, let's just change that into even more of a diamond. So what I did there was. I used my fingers to push them into the shape and we'll do it say that that blue is on the corner there. That blue is on the corner there and it's going to pull those up to make sure I've got the same amount of chemical clay and my stripes are as neat as I can get them. So we've gone slightly longer than we need to sell just chopped off, and so we can see what we've got. So it's a bit of a mishmash, but then that often works out really well in kaleidoscope. Show you never know quite what sort of effect you're going to get, because we've got that skinner blend in there it'll create all sorts of wonderful, interesting effects. Okay, so we've got our Canes and they've also conditioned and just rolled into logs or our extra bits of color, and then it's just a case of putting these together in a triangular format. So I think I'll put that as one corner of our triangle. I think this will be a corner and possibly something along those sort of lines and we'll need to fill something in there. So the next thing I need to think about is the orientation of these pieces and whether I want to put them together like that, whether I need extra color now. I think I need a quite a bit of extra white to go in here just to make it ping and give some nice brightness. So you don't just have to put the colors in as Loucks or as triangles. You can also put some. It is flat sheets. So I'm gon na roll, this flat, put it through pasta machine on a medium settings for resetting number three on line, and this is already got a nice bit of white in it. So I'm going to take a tissue blade and just cut the white interpretivist rip. I think all you got whites there, let's just take the white from there and put him around a couple of sides, perhaps not all the way around, maybe around to that, have you done a bit more make sure it's the same all the way down, and then, Let'S perhaps take a roll because it's nice, wherever your colors end, that they end in either around rather than a straight point. So, let's just make a little log of that and press in here to put a groove, so the whites going to join up sorry, one thing we can do so we said that's going to go in a corner. So maybe that's up here! Mister. We like that. Going down one side - and perhaps I put him there - so that's not leaving us too much foot - we could have gaps in here. We could have gaps in here so if they have been here, let's take a bit of the yellow and that's quite a triangular shape in there. So I'm gon na take a lump of this and put it into a triangle and I'm just pressing it down trying to keep the shape relatively, even I'm making it longer because both the ends tend to become distorted. So it's easier to make a piece. That'S going to fit in so kind of attend along the side here then chop off the ends are smaller. So, let's see how he's going to go is not far off, but we've got a lot of black color. Here we put a lot black color along this end here of these two, so I'm gon na take an alternate color. She has take a little bit of dark, sometimes nice, to have a big lump at the dark too, and let's create so with one of these square, benders or shapers I'll put the links to these bridges. We'Ve just created another groove, so we can take a bit of this and create a triangular shape and we know they're going to have a a nice angle gravity same as before and I'll make it slightly longer than I need it make sure it's nice and even All the way down and that should fit in there as before, just put it over with your thumbs check, it fits turn. The other side trim off any excess watching. So, let's see how are we doing now? Yep, that's looking better. We still need a little bit in here and I still want to take away the fact that that's more dark there and that's all we're doing we're doing a kaleidoscope, we're just creating things to fill up the gap and create an interesting pattern where you haven't got All of one color in any particular place, so that's going to squish down into that which is fine, so this needs to be our other corner. So we do need to make something else here. So one quick way of making a cane is very similar to the snowflake cane, a lot of my earlier videos. So let's do a little something like that. If we take the blue and the green, I'm just dropping these up here, because I'm gon na put them back through the pasta machine. I have more of the green than the other colors, so I put that on a thick setting setting number two. The Blues are number three: if they're gon na put this back through on a thinnest setting, say something like number five and I'm just going to create a sandwich of these colors now they've done that chop down through. I just want a little square really immediately separate your colors because you might be using them elsewhere. Now look on the back, so they used to be like that enough and yes, that gives us all three colors all the way around and then I'm just going to get a little bit more of the white, throw that into a little thin sausage and pinching one End of this we're just going to roll this around the white. You see this rolled round take a little bit of the white. I know, I'm not you forced to make something. That'S going to fit in to that gap. So this little white and go this side and let's pull him back round, made a sort of S shape in there. I'M just gon na force this into a triangle pressing down pulling up at the top put those two bits together and we've created a brand new cane and I'm just going to change the shape of it until it fits in there. So I'm putting it longer because this is quite a point it goes to and this one will probably end up bigger than I need. But that's fine. So, let's chop off the excess - and this is thing I love about kaleidoscopes - each one will be slightly different because you'll have gaps in different places. Every time you do one it's almost going to take off the excess, then, and then we have a very rough triangular shape, and you see it's not at all like an equilateral triangle and I've done that on purpose to show that it doesn't need to be an Equilateral triangle: if you want to do equilateral when you first start it that's fantastic, but I quite like making them these odd triangular shapes, because that means that when you move them and force them into more of a regular triangle, you're going to change the proportions of Things and some things they don't come more prominent and something is going to slip into the background. So the last thing I'm going to do is I'm going to look down my size and wherever I've got a large expanse of the same color. I'M just going to take and it's a little or one of the components. I know what size not sure just add a little insert Music ]. So there we go. That'S how Cain done and now we need to start reducing the gain. Okay, so my hands are clean and before I even start reducing this, the next thing I need to do is have a look at my box, so, whatever size your boxes, you now need to measure it and I'm going to see if I can, because I've got An inch working sheet if I can work out a good height in inches. So don't if you can see that, but it is effectively now one and three-quarter inches in height, and it's also well, if I turn it on its side slightly longer, but nearly two inches in width across all of these. But the great thing about doing a hexagon shaped box is we can layer up the triangles along the side and as long as your triangle fits down there, which will be between one and three quarters and two inches for me, then I know it's going to fit Around the role of the box and the lid as well to be perfect, so measure that, before you start reducing because I know need know, I need to stop as soon as I get close to it being two inches on either side, because you don't want to Get carried away okay, so I'm going to start with my biggest side on the ground and I'm going to press that down to a nice flat side and I'm going to press in this side is shorter than this side. So with my thumb's, I'm actually pulling up the back side until this is going to be my point on this side. This line here is going to be my point, so all I'm doing is pressing in and making those points even more obvious, and on this side this is going to be my point every so often I will turn it on its end and force up any of The sides, if they've got a shorter than the middle and then start walking in and just pressing in and as I'm pressing in someone pulling it slightly longer the thing I would say about reducing canes like this, particularly when this is a big game, don't rush it Now I have reduced a lot of canes, so I'm working probably more quickly than most of you will when you're first starting it isn't a race, it's more important to get it exact and to be quick, so it started giving on the bottom. So again, I'm turning it on its bottom, pressing it down flat putting these sides up now again, if any of you got the products that you put on the ends of these, to stop your cane, reducing or distorting so much do use them. They are fantastic and I will put the links to them at the end or in the description under the video, but for those of you who haven't, I'm just going to reduce it without them. So now I've got two stage where I'm sort of fairly manageable. I'M starting to press in as I go just on the bottom she's reinforcing the triangular shape. I'M also trying to make sure that these points are equal distance over the bottom side, because that helps you make a nice equilateral triangle. So I'm just going to test check now see where I am so about two and a half inches just over two inches just over so not far off so from this point on, I think I'll work on the measuring sheets because I don't want to go too Far too small it's keep pressing in and when I started to get close, I'm going to put my bottom edge against one of these dark lines on the sheet that I can see where I'm pressing and what size my cane has become and all the time I'm Trying to keep it even along the length, how do you ever soften to rotate it the other direction, so that, if you find your fingers are working harder at the start, that, at the end stops a distortion as well and we're pretty close. So I will stop talking and I'll carry on doing this until I'm at the right size, [, Music, ], okay, so I have now got my piece twist, basically, two inches the whole way around now. I think this is still too big, but I know on the end and then half wastage, where the pattern is not gon na be exact, so I'm going to cut a strip off and then just put it up to my box to see - and in actual fact That'S just about perfect, so I am going to stop that it's going to be two inches, so I'm glad I stopped when I did so. I would always suggest that if you're not sure stop a bit beforehand and then take it off and have a look, so what I'm going to do now, I'm actually doing the jus side, which looks like you're weird, but I'm going to cut straight down the middle. In part, because I want to see what we've got to check that it's going to give me a nice pattern, oh that I'm happy with it. So you can start having a look through, but also because I know, there's gon na be no distortion in the middle. This will be the pattern you've got. It gives me a chance to see which way around I'm going to want to orientate pattern. So, yes, it just gives me a chance to have a look through, but I now know that is the distorted end. That is the pristine end. So if I now put this up like that, I know I can start taking a slices from this one. So the next thing I want to do is going to put a little bit of liquid clay or PVA glue around the outside of this. If you don't use, PVA glue, put it on and then leave it till the glues actually dried, because you don't need it to be that tacky with the liquid clay. You need such a small amount. So I want enough to make it tacky, not slippy, because I don't want these sheets to slide off and once I put them on so there's a bit of liquid clay and see this one. I'Ve just accounted, and I'm just gon na put a tiny dot on each of my side, so you can see there how small amount I've put off Music ] right now for the fun bit.

If you had to absolutely choose which one would you take the beach or the swimming pool? For me, the choice is obvious. I would take a swimming pool because there are no fish. What'S up guys. This is Jackie. I never beat Canasta and for this week's tutorial I decided to do a follow-up on the beach environment by doing a miniature swimming pool, absolutely love this environment, especially the little floaties. It looks like the perfect place to grab a summer drink and just relax. Let'S not forget the tiny detail of that ladder, I'm pretty proud of it. If I say so myself, I'm pretty curious, if you guys prefer the beach or the pool for this week, I would love to give a shout out to three awesome crafters. The first one is Lacey from here their V sculptures, and I always want to say that with a pirate voice - and she makes the most amazing dragons next is Susan plush and I'm probably massacring the name, and I totally apologize her little plushies and little decorations that She makes out of felt and cloth are absolutely to die for last but not least, is whisper fillies. Her ponies bring me back to childhood I'll leave a link for their Instagram in description box below remember that shout outs are absolutely random and they're, not even people who asked for them they're, just people that I think deserves so much attention and I admire their work. If you guys are not aware, I also have a vlog channel at nerdy Jackies. So if you want to check that out I'll leave a link for that description box below and in the iCard section. If you have suggestions for future geeky tutorials leave them in the comments section below and if you're new to this channel, don't forget to subscribe to our plenary key and non geeky tutorials to keep you entertained. The full list of everything we're going to be using will be in the description box below the clay I'm using is from sculpey, and the epoxy resin is from Sophie and toffee. The first thing we're going to do is take our clay and make the shape of the swimming-pool we want. I decided to go with a peanut shape. Now we're going to build the contour of that swimming pool, go ahead and put designs, you don't have to worry too much about what it looks like on the inside of the swimming pool, because since it's gon na be under resin, it'll be slightly distorted, anyways and Just to make sure that nothing leaks, seal the gaps and use liquid sculpey just to be extra safe, now you're going to bake it for 10 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. Once baked, it's looking pretty cute now you're going to take any clay that you want roll. It and place it all the way around anytime we're going to be putting two pieces of clay together. It'S always best to use liquid sculpey flatten the piece as much as you can to get more ground. Take any color of clay that you want. On top, it can be either grass or wooden boards, like I'm doing, cut off the excess in the middle, and I can't tell you how satisfying that was, but it was pretty satisfying and now we're going to pull the clay slightly from the swimming pool. To put it on the outside of the edge that way, the ground is flush with the actual pool, and I don't mean flush as in the bathroom flushing. That'S that's not it that's completely off-topic. This is what it should look like and at first I tried a couple of methods to get some straight lines for the wooden boards. I tried the back of a blade and that was a total failed, because the ground is uneven and we're gon na fix that later and then I tried a popsicle ruler, type method and yeah that didn't work. So I was like you know what i'ma just eyeball that stuff so far so good now you're going to put it face down and push the clay, not just the tan part, but also the black part towards the bottom, so that the floor becomes flat. Now you're going to bake it for 15 minutes at 275 degrees, Fahrenheit, and here it is all baked all right time to make the lounge chairs, which is pretty easy. You just have to cut a rectangle and bend it and there you go. You got a lounge chair, make as many colors or different shapes and sizes, as you like now we're going to make the contour for the swimming pool and, of course, me being me, why do I always fall short? I never calculate the right sizes, but that's okay. We can fix this, we got this guys. We got this cut out, another small piece and just put it there. No one's gon na ever know now to make the ladder we're going to take a pins or any other kind of wire and you're going to bend. The top until you have a shape that looks like a cane now to make them into actual ladders, you're going to take some packing tape, and this is kind of the hardest part, because you're always trying to put things and remove your hand, but your hand. Kind of comes out with the tape and yeah you get the gist of it. Now I have to say I thought myself pretty clever to think up of this method. I don't know if anyone has ever done this before, but I'm gon na pretend that I'm an innovator make sure that you place your pieces right on top of the sticky tape. Here you can use either UV resin or Mod Podge. I decided to use UV resin you're, going to put it all over the front part of the ladder and you're going to put it in the sunlight, direct sunlight outside for about 30 minutes or if you have UV light, you'll only shine it for about 15 seconds. Once it's fully hardened, remove it from the tape, [, Music, ] and tah-dah an absolutely miniature cute little ladder and don't mind the reson too much because resin in resin kind of disappears. So it won't show it's so cute now to make a parasol make a dome with foil paper or, as you guys like, to call it for romanum foil, cut a thin sheet of clay and place it right on top we're going to pre-bake this piece for about Five minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit take a piece of wire and color it. Whatever color you want, I'm using acrylic paints. Once your dome is baked you're going to color it in any colors that you want. I decided to go with a red and light a reddish, pink color of the clay to make the board. I used a white piece of clay and a pre-baked a rectangle and then place it right on top all right now, it's time to put everything together: [, Music, ], let's make a cute little duck, floater feel free to make any kind of floaty things that you Want [, Music, ] they're going to bake it one last time for 25 minutes at 275 degrees Fahrenheit once baked measure your resin according to package instructions, if you don't know how to use resin I'll leave a link in description box below for resin crafting tips. Take some fake moss and your glue gun and be sure not to glue yourself, because I totally didn't glue myself and wait for it. The stupidest thing I have ever done in 3. 2. 1. Yeah. I totally spilled all the resin by trying to show you what the little plant looks like. So I figured let's take this opportunity to make it a learning experience if you ever drop resin, never use water to clean it up. I was using a rubbing alcohol wipe and then also once I removed most of the resin from where I wanted it. I went in with rubbing alcohol on my q-tip and clean the spot thoroughly. You'Ll see once it's cleaned up that it doesn't show as much as you would think once the resin has fully hardened and it won't drip like the big klutz, that I am go ahead and put another thin layer of resin. I used UV, but you can use normal epoxy and place your little floaties and, of course, if you used UV resin, leave it in direct sunlight for about 30 minutes or shine it for about 30 seconds. And here you have it your very own: mini swimming pool environment and, as you can see, the mistake doesn't really show. Let'S keep it as our little secret and if you tell anyone well Emma I'm gon na come get you, but not really. Yet that that didn't work out, oh thank you so much for watching guys. Until then, I will see you in the next video [, Music ]
About Bedliner Review

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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